I hope these accessories find you well.
🔥This is fine. We’re fine. Everything is fine.🔥
From cringe to unhinged, I’ve got your vibe 😗
🫠 Don’t let the existential dread sink in.
Hi. I’m Angela, and I design jewelry 💎
Q: What inspires your designs?
A: Monty Python and the fear of being alone with my thoughts. 🐇
Q: What do you make them from?
A: 3D-printed resin (ooo, aah), clay, wood, and other materials.
Q: Why are you so pretty?
A: Oh gosh, please, I’m so embarrassed. *poses*
Forget your problems. Treat yourself. —>
Deep breath. 😤
🥑 Avocadon’t Call Me, Just Text
🍆 Up Yours
🦆 Zero Ducks Given